Water Well Testing

Water Well Testing Services in Colorado Springs

A water well inspection and water well test should be conducted anytime well property is being purchased. It’s also a good idea to check on your well periodically to evaluate the overall health of the system. Get water well testing in Colorado from your local pump company professionals at Barnhart Pump Co.

Barnhart Pump Co. water well pump company Colorado water testing
Barnhart Pump Co. water well pump company Colorado water testing

Inspection and testing

A system inspection and well test should be conducted anytime well property is being purchased. It’s also a good idea to check on your well periodically to evaluate the overall health of the system.

Water Well Inspection

During a water well inspection, technicians evaluate all components of a well pump system such as the electrical controls and wiring, related pumping infrastructure, and the pressure tank. All physical components that are accessible are visually inspected for any deficiencies including the wellhead to make sure it is in a sanitary condition and location.

Finally, we’ll run the well pump system under normal operating conditions and monitor the motor current to check that the system is performing properly. A system inspection is performed before a well test is conducted to be sure the well and pump are in proper condition to run a full water well test.

We do not pull the well pump out of the well for a system inspection.

System inspection

During system inspection, technicians evaluate all components of a pump system from the electrical controls and wiring, to the pressure tank, related plumbing infrastructure, and the pressure tank. All physical components that are accessible are visually inspected for any deficiencies including the well head to make sure it is in a sanitary condition and location.

Finally, they will run the pump system under normal operating conditions and monitor the motor current to check that the system is performing properly before conducting a flow test. A system inspection is performed before a well test is conducted to be sure the well and pump are in proper condition to run a full well test.

We do not pull the well pump out of the well for a system inspection.

Well Well Tests

Well Flow Testing

You should know before you buy if a well is unable to supply enough water for your anticipated uses. A drawdown flow test will determine a well’s actual yield in gallons per minute (gpm). The test requires measuring water being pumped out of the well while monitoring the water level as it drops inside the well casing. When the amount of water entering into the well casing matches the amount being pumped out, the results are the true yield of the well.

Water Level Testing

The only way to know the water level in a well as it is pumped is with a water level sounder. Unfortunately, these probes tend to get caught on the pump equipment in the well. By monitoring the water flow being pumped, system pressure, and motor current (amperage), we can gain an accurate picture of the well production without the use of a level sounder.

Sediment Testing

Typically, if a well produces sediment or has a high mineral content, it becomes apparent during general testing. By visually checking this during a water well test, we can assess if there is a bigger issue at play.

Testing Time

We offer a 2-hour flow test that determines the current production and flow rate in gallons per minute for a basic pump system.

Well tests

Well flow testing

You should know before you buy if a well is unable to supply enough water for your anticipated uses. A drawdown flow test will determine a well’s actual yield in gallons per minute (gpm). The test requires measuring water being pumped out of the well while monitoring the water level as it drops inside the well casing. When the amount of water entering into the well casing matches the amount being pumped out, the results are the true yield of the well.

Water level testing

The only way to know the water level in a well as it is pumped is with a water level sounder. Unfortunately, these probes tend to get caught on the pump equipment in the well. By monitoring the water flow being pumped, system pressure. and motor current (amperage), we can gain an accurate picture of the well production without the use of a level sounder.

Sediment testing

Typically, if a well produces sediment or has a high mineral content, it becomes apparent during general testing. By visually checking this during a well test, we can assess if there is a bigger issue at play.

Testing time

We offer a 2-hour flow test that determines the current production and flow rate in gallons per minute for a basic pump system.

Barnhart Pump Co. offers more than just water well testing and water well inspection services. Please see below for other type of services we provide:

Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding your water wells in Colorado.

Barnhart Pump Co. water well pump company Colorado water testing

Potability Testing

It’s incredibly important to determine if a water well is free of bacteria and safe to drink and use. The best practice is to test well water at least once a year to ensure health and safety. You can obtain a water potability test through the El Paso County Health Department directly or allow us to sample for you. We can ensure sampling procedures are done correctly, as any contamination can return a failed test.

Barnhart Pump Co. water well pump company Colorado water testing

Potability testing

It’s incredibly important to determine if a water well is free of bacteria and safe to drink and use. Best practice is to test well water at least once a year to ensure health and safety. You can obtain a water potability test through the El Paso County Health Department directly or allow us to sample for you. We can ensure sampling procedures are done correctly, as any contamination can return a failed test.

El Paso County Health Department Water Testing Department 

El Paso County Health Department available tests and fees 

Liability Release

Before we can perform water well testing services, we require our liability release form to be signed by the well owner acknowledging and granting permission to carry out water well testing procedures. Once the form is signed, a service call can be scheduled to perform a water well inspection and/or testing. We welcome any party involved in a real estate transaction, including the buyer, seller, agent, etc., to be on-site during testing.

Call us to discuss our water well inspection and testing services.

Call us to discuss our well inspection and testing services.